About the event

Welcome the committee and audience, introduce yourself, and briefly outline the main sections of your presentation.

Greet the committee members and the audience. Introduce yourself, stating your name and the title of your thesis. Briefly mention your academic background and any relevant experiences. Outline the main sections of your presentation (e.g., background, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions). Provide a roadmap so the audience knows what to expect.
About the event

The presentation of research encompasses a thorough explanation of the study’s background, methodology, results, and conclusions, providing a comprehensive understanding of t

Background and Context Research Questions and Objectives Literature Review Methodology Results Discussion Conclusions and Implications
About the event

The committee will ask questions to evaluate your understanding and the rigor of your research, requiring you to defend your methodology, analysis, and conclusions.

Be prepared to answer questions from the committee members. Listen carefully to each question and take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding. Answer honestly and confidently, providing evidence from your research to support your answers. Be open to feedback and constructive criticism. Discussion
About the event

The closing summarizes the key points of your presentation, acknowledges those who supported your research, and provides final remarks emphasizing the significance of your study.

Recap the main points of your presentation. Emphasize the significance and contributions of your research. Thank your advisor(s), committee members, and anyone who contributed to your research. Acknowledge funding sources or institutions that supported your work. End with a strong concluding statement that reinforces the importance of your study. Express your gratitude for the opportunity to present your work.
About the event
For Committee

During deliberation, the committee will discuss your performance and decide whether you have successfully defended your thesis.

The committee will discuss your presentation and overall performance. They will evaluate the quality of your research, the rigor of your methodology, and the clarity of your presentation. The committee will reconvene with you to provide feedback. They will inform you of their decision, which could include passing, passing with revisions, or not passing. They may provide recommendations for further improvements if necessary.