Join Our Elite Group
Esteemed Speakers

    Where is the venue for the colloquium?

    The colloquium will be held full online or hybrid mode in one of our e-Campus, city Campus at Switzerland.

    What is the format and duration of my presentation?

    Your presentation should be approximately 25 minutes long, followed by a 5 minute Q&A session.

    Who will be the audience?

    The audience will consist of master and doctorate students, faculty, industry professionals, etc.. Their level of expertise in the topic ranges from master to doctorate and postdoc fellows.

    What audiovisual equipment will be available?

    The venue is equipped with a projector, microphone, laptop, clicker, etc.. Please let us know if you have any special requirements.

    Will there be a rehearsal or technical check before the event?

    Yes, we will have a technical check one day before the event to ensure all equipment is working correctly. Please plan to participate.

    How can I get in touch with the event organizers?

    You can email for any queries or concerns.